Solar cooker box-type: with exterior reflectors and interior reflectors
The solar radiation (total) was measured using an Eppley piranometer model 8-48. Multimeters
were used to measure the temperature. Thermocouples k-type at surface, central point of the apple
and water were placed. For the tests the temperature was measured each 5 minutes. The interval for
the time cooking process was 2.5 hours. The average value of the mass for the eggplant was 250 g
and the average value for the water was 250 ml. In figure 2, temperature data measured for apple
after to the experimental procedure are shown. This data were selected among ten experimental
tests. In all cases, the behavior was similar.
VII International Congress of Engineering Physics IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 582 (2015) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/582/1/012023