by Luke Johnson E-mail might just be responsible for the productivity  การแปล - by Luke Johnson E-mail might just be responsible for the productivity  มาลากาซี วิธีการพูด

by Luke Johnson E-mail might just b

by Luke Johnson
E-mail might just be responsible for the productivity i ncrcases that economists te ll us are the key to rising prosperity. But it could also be sending us all mad. The truth is that business is generญ
ally best clone face to face. and if that is impossible. then speaking via the phone. But too many of us now hide 10 behind silent, typed communications. The trouble is that the recipient of an e-mail does not hear a tone of voice or sec a facial expression; nor can the sender modify their message 15 halfway through, sensing that it is causing offence. When you read an e-mail, you cannot tell the mood of the e-mailer.
A permanent written form is 20 deadly if you arc reeling impetuous and emotional. Too often l have made the mistake of sending an irritable response. which will have festered and angered the other encl
2s much more than a difficult telephone exchange. Spoken words fade, but e-mail is forever. lt is so much easier to be tough via e-mail. or to get away with weak
30 excuses. or to make things up, or to say no. Almost invariably. it is more human and serious to have a real discussion rather than a bizarre online conversation. I know 35 employees who have been fired for sending abusive e-mails, or who have faced severe legal consequences for writing something they should have just said verbally. 40 Everyone in business finds their inbox is almost swamped every clay with spam. I notice I spend longer and longer sorting out the e-mails that mailer from all the junk. It has
45 become, I'm afraid, a dangerously corrupted medium. Large companies suffer chronic overuse of ทreply to all'. Moreover. e-mail can be a terrible distraction, especially if you use so a BlackBerry. l was recently reprimanded for peeking at mine during a board meeting - a gross form of' hypocrisy on my part. because I once threatened to sling 55 out of the window any PDA-type devices being used in meetings I chaired. I have now vowed to switch off both BlackBerry and mobile in all meetings - anything
GO less is uncivi l. Tt must be admitted that e-mail is hard to beat as a transmitter of documents and data. It forces the sender to carefully think through 65 their arguments and express themselves logically. It allows you to reply swiftly to a host of di ffe rent questions when time is short. You don't have to worry about journey 70 times or travel costs, unreliable postage or engaged phones or E-mail is a marvellously economical tool for keeping in touch with far-flung commercial contacts; you
75 can send them a note at your leisure, 24 hours a day. It is also a terrific method of discreetly and directly pitching to someone powerful. It certainly beats trying to get a meet-so ing or even reach them on the phone. Like it or not. I could not do my job without e-mail. Meanwhile, I
know a senior financ ier, an ex-chair ofa FrSE company, who still has his RS secretary print out his e-mails for him to read so he can then dictate replies for her to e-mail back. Now that really is mad.
1 What forms of written and spoken communication do you like using? Why?
2 What problems can people have with the diffe rent forms of communication?
3 How do you think those problems can be solved?
• a sense of humour
• physical appearance
• no strong accent
Which of these words apply to good communicators and which apply to bad communicators? Add two adjectives of your own to the list.
articulate focused reserved
coherent hesitant responsive

eloquent inhibited sensit ive
extrovert persuasive succinct
fluent rambling vague
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ผลลัพธ์ (มาลากาซี) 1: [สำเนา]
amin'ny Luke Johnson
E-mail dia mety ho tompon'andraikitra fotsiny ny vokatra fa ny toe-karena no ncrcases Te LL antsika dia ny fanalahidin'ny fiakaran'ny fanambinana. Kanefa mety koa ho handefa antsika rehetra nahavery saina ireny. Ny marina dia fandraharahana dia gener ญ
mpiara-tsara indrindra Clone nifanatrika. ary raha misy azo atao. dia niteny amin'ny alalan'ny telefaonina. Nefa koa maro amintsika ankehitriny manafina 10 ao ambadiky ny mangina, ny fifandraisana tendrena. Ny olana dia ny mpandray ny e-mail dia tsy mihaino ny fomba fitenenana na seg ny endriny; tsy afaka manova ny mpandefa ny hafatra 15 antenatenan'ny, Tsapan'izy fa izany no mahatonga fahatafintohinana. Rehefa mamaky ny e-mail, tsy afaka milaza ny toe-po ny e-mpandefa hafatra.
A maharitra tsoratra dia 20 mahafaty raha Arc mampiraikiraiky mirehidrehitra sy ara-pihetsehampo. Matetika loatra L no nanao ny fahadisoana ny mandefa ny mora tezitra izy hamaly. izay efa festered ka nahatezitra ny hafa encl
2s mihoatra lavitra noho ny sarotra telefaonina fifanakalozana. Nitenenany lainga lefy, fa ny e-mail dia mandrakizay. LT be dia be mora kokoa ny ho sarotra amin'ny alalan'ny e-mail. na ho afa-maina amin'ny malemy
30 fialan-tsiny. na hanao zavatra izy, sa ny manao hoe tsy. Saika foana. izany no tena olombelona, ary lehibe ny manana ny tena resaka fa tsy ny resaka an-tserasera hafahafa. Fantatro 35 mpiara-miasa izay efa noroahina noho ny fandefasana e-mail herisetra, na izay niatrika mafy vokatry ny fanoratana ara-dalàna ny zavatra tokony vao niteny am-bava. 40 Ny olona rehetra amin'ny raharaham-barotra mahita ny Inbox dia saika saron'ny rano tanimanga rehetra amin'ny spam. Hitako mandany intsony aho ary intsony manavaka ny e-mail izay mpandefa hafatra avy ny loto rehetra. Efa
45 lasa, matahotra aho, dia doza simba mpanelanelana. Orinasa lehibe mijaly mitaiza overuse ny ท namaly rehetra '. Koa. e-mail dia mety ho mahatsiravina fialamboly, indrindra fa raha mampiasa Toy izany, ny BlackBerry. l vao haingana noho ny peeking Nananatra amin'ny birao ahy nandritra ny fivoriana - ny lehibe endriky ny 'fihatsarambelatsihy eo amin'ny anjara. satria indray mandeha nandrahona ny antsamotady 55 avy amin'ny varavarankely izay karazana fitaovana PDA-rehefa ampiasaina amin'ny fivoriana no nitarika. Efa izao nivoady ny manapaka na BlackBerry sy ny finday amin'ny fivoriana rehetra - na inona na inona
MANDEHANA kely no uncivi l'. TT dia tsy maintsy niaiky fa ny e-mail dia sarotra ny nidaroka ho toy ny fitaovana fandefasam-peo ny antontan-taratasy sy tahirin-kevitra. Izany Manery ny mpandefa mba hieritreritra tsara ny hevitra amin'ny alalan'ny 65 sy haneho ny heviny mazava. Mamela anao no mamaly haingana ny eny amin'ny von ffe triatra fanontaniana rehefa fotoana fohy. Tsy mila miahiahy momba ny dia 70 andro na Travel vola lany, tsy azo itokisana, na mandray anjara mandefa finday na E-mail dia mahagaga fitaovana ara-toekarena noho ny fitandremana mifandray amin'ny lavitra fifandraisana ara-barotra; ianao
75 dia afaka mandefa azy ireo amin'ny taratasy kely ny fialam-boly, 24 ora isan'andro. Izany ihany koa ny fomba mampitolagaga ny tamim-pahendrena sy mivantana fiarahany nanipy baolina ny olona mahery. Izany tokoa mitempo miezaka ny hahazo ny fihaonana ka tra na tonga ny olona tamin'ny telefaonina. Toy izany na tsia. Tsy afaka manao ny asa tsy misy e-mail. Mandritra izany fotoana izany, dia
fantatro ny zokiny financ ier, ny taloha seza ofa FrSE orinasa, izay mbola manana ny RS mpitan-tsoratra pirinty avy ny e-mail ho azy hamaky mba hahafahany dia handidy valinteny ho azy ny e-mail indray. Ankehitriny fa tena very saina.
1 Inona no karazana voasoratra ary niteny fifandraisana no tianao mampiasa? Nahoana?
2 Inona no olana mety olona manana ny diffe hofan endrika fifandraisana?
3 Inona araka ny eritreritrao ireo olana mety ho voavaha?
• tia vazivazy
• ara-batana tarehy
• tsy misy mafy lantom-peony
Iza izany teny izany mihatra amin'ny mifampiresaka tsara sy izay mampihatra ny ratsy mifampiresaka? Add roa teny ny anao manokana amin'ny lisitra.
Hanazavana mifantoka voatokana
maharesy lahatra misalasala manaiky

nahay nandaha-teny OMpiara-sensit ive
extrovert mandresy lahatra fohy
mahay tsara mikorontana manjavozavo
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