Complements of the day to you beloved,
my name is Peninah Moniba,I am humble girl, i am well pleased to contact you after viewing your profile through face book. I wish to be your good friend, I don't know how you will feel about it,I hope you wouldn't mind despite we don't know each other before?i seek for true friendship that can take us to mutual understanding,friendship is all about Respect,consist of sharing of ideas and planing together,To me age, distance, race and color do not matter,rather what i value most is the understanding that will exist between us. So in a special manner i will like to further communication with you for us to know each other well, if you share the same view with me please write me direct through my personal email address{ }so that i can write and tell you more information's about my self including with my picture .I am looking forward to read from you.Yours new friend