Your ticket TKT0778232 has been resolved and will automatically be closed in 10 days. Please verify that this ticket has been resolved to your satisfaction, and if not please respond by clicking on the following link to re-open your ticket:
Re-open ticket: TKT0778232
Short description: RASO, 2000145715, 2049 Payment - Thai Orix Leasing invoice BF15020535
Close notes:
Hello Nantana,
Thank you for contacting us.
Per your request we verified the status of the following invoice(s): BF15020535
Our system indicates that they have been paid on 24.04.2015 with clearing document 2000140761.
We hope that we answered your original question in full, so at this time we will mark the ticket as Resolved.
If you need further assistance with this issue, you can use the Re-Open Ticket link in your email within 10 business days. Any replies to a Resolved ticket will not be visible by the contact center; If you have further questions, please raise a new ticket via email.