The present study evaluated the noise generated by railway
in a large Latin American city. Several analytical
techniques were used – measurements of noise levels
during the passage of the train with and without its horn
blowing, measurement of noise levels in the home of a
resident affected by the noise of the train and calculation
of noise mapping. Lastly, to assess the degree of annoyance
due to noise generated by train, interviews were
conducted with the residents of neighborhoods that are
crossed by the railway line.
As in the study presented here, research conducted in
Poland by Szwarc et al. [51], and in Germany by Czolbe
[52] also used noise maps to diagnose the impact of
noise generated by railway traffic in urban areas.The measurements indicated that the noise levels generated
as the train passes with its horn blowing are extremely
high, clearly violating Curitiba’s noise legislation.
The noise mappings showed that a simple solution to
control noise would be for the trains to pass through the
city without blowing their horns. However, although the
noise levels are significantly lower when the train’s horn
is not blown, they still exceed the levels established by
municipal legislation.
The city has been suffering from this problem for decades.
The solution to the problem would be to remove
the railway line passing through the city. However, lack
of resources and of political will are two obstacles to the
removal of the trains passing through residential areas
within the city.
The residents were found to feel strongly affected by
noise generated by passing trains. Train noise causes
irritation and annoyance, headaches, poor concentration
and insomnia. In terms of noise pollution, 88% of the respondents
cited nighttime as the most critical time of
the day. As shown in this paper, the research of Fields
and Walker [22] in Great Britain, Lambert et al. [16] in
France, and Ali [53] in Egypt also show that the population
neighboring railways feels disturbed by the noise of
the train.
This study showed that the vast majority of residents
surveyed (69%), believe that the noise of the train can
devalue their property. We would do well to keep in
mind the words of Fields and Walker [22]: “Noise is
rated as the most serious environmental nuisance caused
by railways.
ConclusionsThe present study evaluated the noise generated by railwayin a large Latin American city. Several analyticaltechniques were used – measurements of noise levelsduring the passage of the train with and without its hornblowing, measurement of noise levels in the home of aresident affected by the noise of the train and calculationof noise mapping. Lastly, to assess the degree of annoyancedue to noise generated by train, interviews wereconducted with the residents of neighborhoods that arecrossed by the railway line.As in the study presented here, research conducted inPoland by Szwarc et al. [51], and in Germany by Czolbe[52] also used noise maps to diagnose the impact ofnoise generated by railway traffic in urban areas.The measurements indicated that the noise levels generatedas the train passes with its horn blowing are extremelyhigh, clearly violating Curitiba’s noise legislation.The noise mappings showed that a simple solution tocontrol noise would be for the trains to pass through thecity without blowing their horns. However, although thenoise levels are significantly lower when the train’s hornis not blown, they still exceed the levels established bymunicipal legislation.The city has been suffering from this problem for decades.The solution to the problem would be to removethe railway line passing through the city. However, lackof resources and of political will are two obstacles to theremoval of the trains passing through residential areaswithin the city.The residents were found to feel strongly affected bynoise generated by passing trains. Train noise causesirritation and annoyance, headaches, poor concentrationand insomnia. In terms of noise pollution, 88% of the respondentscited nighttime as the most critical time ofthe day. As shown in this paper, the research of Fieldsand Walker [22] in Great Britain, Lambert et al. [16] inFrance, and Ali [53] in Egypt also show that the populationneighboring railways feels disturbed by the noise ofthe train.This study showed that the vast majority of residentssurveyed (69%), believe that the noise of the train candevalue their property. We would do well to keep inmind the words of Fields and Walker [22]: “Noise israted as the most serious environmental nuisance causedby railways.
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