In the questionnaire,
the contingent valuation method (cf. Mitchell
and Carson, 1989) was used in order to
obtain data for assessing the recreation
value, in economic terms, given different
attributes of the forests. The recreation value
of entire forest landscapes resulting from
different silvicultural practices was assessed,with no special attention to the stand types
constituting the forest landscapes
In the present study, we have exploited further
the dataset obtained by the contingent
valuation questionnaire, with the aim to put
a money measure on the recreation value of
various stand types, or phases of the rotation
period, within different silvicultural systems.
We thus go into more detail regarding the
effects of silviculture on the economic value
of forests for recreation than did Mattsson
and Li (1994a). Furthermore, we analyse the
possibilities to increase this economic value
by prolonging phases (increasing the areal
extent of stand types) that are especially
favoured by recreationists and/or shortening
phases (decreasing the extent of stand types)
that are not favoured.
The concept forest recreation has different
meanings for different people. In the present
study forest recreation is defined as onsite
activities such as berry and mushroom
picking, hiking, taking walks, and camping
in the forest, as well as the off-site visual
experience of the forest. This means that
some forest recreation activities, e.g. hunting,
are outside the scope of the study.