Since state is a human institution and highest of all human associations there can be no
state without human beings. state can exist in an uninhabited land. There is no limit for the number of citizens in a state. According to Plato, an ideal state should consist of 5040 , while Aristotle fixed the population of state at 10.000. However, in the modern times the scholars have not ventured to fix any upper or lower limits of population. Their number should either be too small to be self sufficient nor too large to be well governed. The People’s Republic of China is the largest state in respect of population and San Marino in Italy is the smallest.
The modern state gives preference to the big size population because, the bigger the
population, the greater will be its man power. They can fight for a longer period of time during the war period. This is the reason why Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and communist Russia encouraged mothers to have more issues. Such mothers were called “Heroine mothers”. While the problem of these countries is one of decline of population, the problem of state like India is one of phenomenal increase in her population. The acceptable rule, as Dr. Garner says that, population must be sufficient to provide a governing body and number of persons to be governed and of course sufficient to support a state organisation.