3.3. Co-word network analysis
In this study, network analysis was used to reveal the overall correlation structure and the dynamic characteristics of
theme-clusters. With this approach, each keyword is considered as a node, and it is connected to another by the co-word
correlation. Likewise, co-word correlation is the link between nodes.
Using this rationale, network analysis was conducted on the transformed co-word correlation matrix using Ucinet6.0 to
display the current status and trends of research themes of RecSys in China through the measures of network centrality,
density, core-periphery matrix, and strategic diagram. In addition, the overall structure and relationship of keywords may
be visualized using a proportional correlation network generated by NetDraw embedded in Ucinet6.0.
Table 7 lists the top 10 keywords displaying a high degree centrality and betweenness centrality. This helped identify the
position of each keyword in the overall research structure by degree centrality, and also expressed the role played in the
association between themes by betweenness centrality.
3.3. Co-word network analysisIn this study, network analysis was used to reveal the overall correlation structure and the dynamic characteristics oftheme-clusters. With this approach, each keyword is considered as a node, and it is connected to another by the co-wordcorrelation. Likewise, co-word correlation is the link between nodes.Using this rationale, network analysis was conducted on the transformed co-word correlation matrix using Ucinet6.0 todisplay the current status and trends of research themes of RecSys in China through the measures of network centrality,density, core-periphery matrix, and strategic diagram. In addition, the overall structure and relationship of keywords maybe visualized using a proportional correlation network generated by NetDraw embedded in Ucinet6.0.Table 7 lists the top 10 keywords displaying a high degree centrality and betweenness centrality. This helped identify theposition of each keyword in the overall research structure by degree centrality, and also expressed the role played in theassociation between themes by betweenness centrality.
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