For about this week is the seventh week that not have class. My group still works together in the university. For this week my group will send videos to the teacher only because we were shooting in last week.
But after video edit finishing. We watching the video together, it appears that someone will want to record the video add in it more. But I think it enough and good. We will talk together that what we want to do? Concluded that not added the video in it. After that we upload file videos to the YouTube it take the time about thirty minute because we used two laptops to do it. So uploading files to YouTube is fast and not waste time and then we copy link of this videos and sent to the teacher. For about this week that have a little problem but it is minor. We will solve the problem together and happy with this assignment and working together is fine not have the problem between the members. The members in my group cooperate to work very well and everybody tried to find the best way for every problem together. For the gain experience in this week has very well. The member in my group know about to solve the problem together and not selfish. The situation that occurred for this week, it was better. For about solve the little problem that happens in this week is about the video if have something wrong whether anything you chose hurry to talk together for find the best ways for your group and decided quickly. For uploading the video you should allow plenty of time if unexpected problems will be you will solve it quickly. Because uploading file to YouTube it use much more time to finish if the file have large it use the time more look like the last video of my group that used more time to finish almost one day to do it. It makes me to know to prepare everything to successful.
Finally, for about the way to solve the problem in the future is if a problem has occur you should hurry to find the best way for the problem in every assignment that the teacher give. You have to plan for do it in the future before do it. It makes you successful in every assignment too. For every problem that happening the best thing to do is listening to all of the opinion in the group. For what is more to learn. I have a need to have knowledge about video editing to use for this particular job. I hope everybody that come to read this journal will get some benefit and adapted it in your assignment. Thank you