killing three people and injuring 77 persons. At the time, a letter was found and signed by the pulo (Pattoni
United Liberation Organization) movement which claimed responsibility.
But all these incidents cannot compare with the level
Of violence taking place In 2004 First on January a 50-
militant force with a well-managed and cautious plan entered an army depot. Robbing more than 400 guns and killing four soldiers. Then a Buddhist monk was killed on 22 January In Narathiwat’s Ba Choh district. Two days later similar incidents tookin place in yala and pattani provinces whereby one monk and a 13-year-old novice were dead. Such killings of Buddhist monks were unprecedented In the southernmost provinces. Where violence has lasted for over half a century and a number of Islamic religious scholars have been harmed. But it can be said that such harm had never been faced