„We are the friend relate.” Qing Shui said with a smile.
„Snort, this reply is not good, Uncle, do you like my Sister Yun Duan?” The Long Lingyun beautiful pupil has the radiant ray to look at Qing Shui.
„Child always do not ask the questions between these Sir.” Qing Shui sits to say on the silver crested eagle.
Long Lingyun: „”
Second time comes Yun Duan Adventurer Guild, first time comes to come as Adventurer, second time comes by the Yun Duan Adventurer Guild guest status.
Adventurer Guild entire day has not closed, several people enter Adventurer Guild from another front door, goes in that familiar courtyard that formerly saw, the pavilions, rockery and basin
However Yun Duan takes the lead not to stop, but that two old men entered Yun Duan Adventurer Guild to leave, Qi Gang also had Long Lingyun also to leave with Qian Mo.
Long Lingyun leaves as if not prefer very much.
„Uncle, remembers that has the time we to take risk together.” Long Lingyun leaves has not forgotten to say toward Qing Shui.
Qing Shui waved to promise her, but Qing Shui knows one could not treat how much time here, when the time comes left, therefore naturally did not need to take risk with her.
A Qing Shui person arrives at Central Territory, has not thought that here unexpectedly can run into her, but now turns toward her manor courtyard to walk with her, to the present he knows that this woman is the far-end Adventurer guild big leader.
Managing a household of Adventurer Guild called by the big leader.
Original Qing Shui felt how this Yun Duan Adventurer Guild will name with the Yun Duan name, now it seems like lets her, when the big leader already prepared.
Yun Duan and Qing Shui move toward north the courtyard channel, this distance more than hundred meters, they are walking probably shoulder to shoulder, the speed is not fast.
„You are the Yun Duan Adventurer Guild big leader, if after you add to Hu Wei Adventurer Guild, here what to do?” Qing Shui asked with a smile.
„Here will make my father handle.” Yun Duan saying gently.
„How long this Adventurer Guild named with your name.” Qing Shui is very curious to this, she wants to know that the name that after is she becomes this big leader, changes.
„Ha-ha, mentioned is very funny, as soon as I the birth grandfather said that I hit main expensive, said that I the riches and honors, will make Adventurer Guild blossom in radiant splendor, therefore without hesitation the Adventurer Guild name changed on the same day that I was born, my name was also since the same day, Yun Duan, took that high meaning, he just walked becomes now this, perhaps he has not thought the person who he insisted becomes this.” The words that Yun Duan said were very tranquil, but that grieved revealed as before, although she has not burst into tears, but this was one type the situation of achieving extreme, is the scene that the tears cannot vent.
Hears Yun Duan words Qing Shui to be actually startled, this grandfather died pitifully, otherwise must see, this haunches the Yun Duan Adventurer Guild old person, why he can see her granddaughter to be able greatly richly greatly expensive, hits main expensive.
Previous generation Qing Shui does not believe to tell fortunes, but he feels something now, for example present he can also tell fortunes by physiognomy to the human, looks at the skeleton of person, if the skeleton elegant person intelligence is good, so long as a little luck, mixes a top dog slightly is not too difficult, naturally be more elegant than most people's skeleton, intelligence superhuman.
Skeleton strange, some bone not only intelligence good to have a good brain likely, an extremely intelligent person is very easy to become outstanding, naturally all things are not absolute, having plenty of such people that has unrecognized talent, but here advocates the military force, therefore relatively little.
The skeleton is symmetrical, physique good person, grows up to be able generally male pretty, female pretty, do not despise these external conditions, can sometimes play the main role, especially woman.
The appearance of woman can the causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, be able to bring disaster on the nation and people, can subvert a big family or the sect, obviously the beautiful appearance and temperament and training woman endure to compare Divine Tool to the extreme might absolutely.
Therefore tells fortunes by physiognomy to the female will be easy, Qing Shui can also, what a pity basically not believe that but he knows that now the Yun Duan grandfather calculated.
Because Yun Duan all he decides himself to give, at least gives her a peaceful environment, the riches and honors is not difficult, so long as makes her Yun Duan Adventurer Guild formidable, anything also had.