Accessing File Metadata. File metadata provides details about any given file. For example, collecting the metadata on a graphic file might provide the graphics creation date, copyright information, and description, and the creators identity.58 Metadata for graphics generated by a digital camera might include the make and model of the digital camera used to take the image, as well as F-stop, flash, and aperture settings. For word processing files, metadata could specify the author, the organization that licensed the software, when and by whom edits were last performed, and user-defined comments. Special utilities can extract metadata from files.
Accessing File Metadata. File metadata provides details about any given file. For example, collecting the metadata on a graphic file might provide the graphics creation date, copyright information, and description, and the creators identity.58 Metadata for graphics generated by a digital camera might include the make and model of the digital camera used to take the image, as well as F-stop, flash, and aperture settings. For word processing files, metadata could specify the author, the organization that licensed the software, when and by whom edits were last performed, and user-defined comments. Special utilities can extract metadata from files.
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