The Ca/P ratio most effi ciently achieving maximum
BMC and BMD depends on the infl uence of other factors,
such as different nutrients, high fi ber intake, low vitamin
D intake, caffeine intake, drug and alcohol intake, age [91],
alkaline or acid foods, and so on, which all alter the calcium
absorption [92]. For example, the leak of urinary calcium
produced by the high consumption of phosphorus is attenuated
by the amount of protein consumed [93]. In women
between 18 and 31 years old, consumption of 1400 mg/day
calcium and 1000 mg/day phosphorus (a relation of 1.4)
was established as most effective for achieving the maximal
benefi ts of BMC and BMD, 2800 g and 1.26 g/cm2
, respectively,
being expected. However, by maintaining the same
intake of calcium and increasing phosphorus consumption
to 1800 mg/day (a relation of 0.7), a result of 2600 g and
1.16 g/cm2
(10% lower BMC and BMD) was obtained.
It is confi rmed, then, that if the calcium intake is adequate,
the Ca/P ratio is more important than the phosphorus
intake alone [94]. These results contradict the recommendations
that propose that a Ca/P ratio of 1 is the most
effective [94]. More longitudinal studies are necessary
to elucidate the best osteogenic Ca/P ratio and the
modifi cations that exercise could introduce into this