Background: Stochastic resonance whole-body vibration training (SR-WBV) was tested to reduce workrelated
musculoskeletal complaints.
Methods: Participants were 54 white-collar employees of a Swiss organization. The controlled crossover
design comprised two groups each given 4 weeks of exercise and no training during a second 4-week
period. Outcome was daily musculoskeletal well-being, musculoskeletal pain, and surefootedness. In
addition, participants performed a behavioral test on body balance prior to when SR-WBV started and
after 4 weeks of SR-WBV.
Results: Across the 4-week training period, musculoskeletal well-being and surefootedness were
significantly increased (p < 0.05), whereas musculoskeletal pain was significantly reduced only in those
who reported low back pain during the last 4 weeks prior to the study (p < 0.05). Body balance was
significantly increased by SR-WBV (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: SR-WBV seems to be an efficient option in primary prevention of musculoskeletal complaints
and falls at work.