How to Improve Your English Reading and Writing
1. Reading english is something you can do to help you lern on your own, outside of the classroom. Have a dictionary with you to look up new words and then write them down in a notebook. Try to use these new words in conversations. It's a great way to lern
2. Newpapers are good for higher lever student, so far lower levers try reading children's stories or books which have been especially written for English lerners. You won't lern muchif you choose a book that is too difficult or too easy. You should find something that will be challenging, fun, and you can lern well from.
3. When to read don't worry about trying to understand every word. Don't keep reaching for the dictionary every few seconds! Insted, try and understand the general meaning of the text firstsnd then re-read it for more details. For words you don't understands, try learning how to guess the meaning from the context. Look at other words in the sentence; they will give younclues as to its meaning. Cheak to see if the english word is a verb, a noun or an adjective. The internet is full of stuff you can read and learn from.