The effect of 6 days storage at ambient temperature (20-22 oC) on the β-glucan viscosity, molecular weight and solubility in fresh oat bran bread was tested. The bread was formulated to contain 5.5% β-glucan (d.b.). Although, the viscosities measured by both methods had the same pattern during storage time, the slurry viscosity measured by RVA was far higher than the extract viscosity measured by controlled strain rheometer after centrifugation and removal of particulate matter (Fig. 1). The undigested components such as resistant starch and non-soluble fibers, still contributed to the viscosity, giving a high reading even after enzymatic digestion. Small particles have been shown to have a large impact on the apparent viscosity of polysaccharide solutions (Rayment et al., 2000). Moreover, the digestibility of the starch and proteins in various cereal products is significantly affected by their interaction with each other (Singh et al., 2010). The mechanical rotation of the RVA paddle appeared to be more effective for mixing which aided digestion compared to the shaking water bath treatment.