It operates in more than 100 countries and employs more than 320,000 ple worldwide.
Immelt is 51 and is a very man
He is married and his wife s name is Andrea.
They have one daughter
Her name is Sarah , she is20 years old
My wife and my daughter are great , Immelt says.
It s pity we re not together more often.
He is away on business more than 50%of his time and he tries to meet customers about a week a month.
Life is never boring , he says
No two days are the same
He usually gets up at 5.30 in the morning and work out for about an hour
Exercise is important ,but may real hobby is golf he says
I'm not great at golf but i enjoy it.
And I like to read , especially when I'm on the move
He likes biographies , business books and fiction ,and reads about 50 books a year.
He also likes 1970s rock music.
meet Jeffery Immelt
Jeffrey Immelt is Chairmam and CEO of General Electric CO.