Strategy to expand ECPs
In order to expand our ECP lineups, we are implementing
two initiatives: Greening of Products and Greening by Technology.
In our Greening of Products initiative, by which we aim to
create products with the highest level of environmental
performance, we manage products’ environmental performance
using performance indicators such as sales of
products, reductions in product-derived CO2 emissions, the
percentage of recycled plastics used, and reductions in the
use of specified chemical substances. We will strive to create
more products with the highest level of environmental
performance mainly in order to increase sales of excellent
ECPs to 1.8 trillion yen in FY2015, approximately six-fold
compared to the FY2011 level, and to reduce CO2 emissions
by 15 million tons.
In the Greening by Technology (low-carbon energy technologies)
initiative, we manage environmental performance
through performance indicators such as sales and reductions
in CO2 emissions. In FY2015, Toshiba Group will increase
sales of energy-related products concerning various
types of power generation (e.g., thermal and wind power) to
1.9 trillion yen, about 1.5 times the FY2011 level. The Group
will also offer advanced low-carbon technology to the global
market with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions by 490
million tons.