We help you arrange customers
I hope you can comply with the provisions of our group inside
(1) If there is a carry Please tell me ((Start 1.2.3))
((Figures represent the first few))
(2) Guests left end. Please tell me
((Customers leave)) or ((leave)) or ((OK 1.2.3))
(3) Guests have any questions you can tell us
P.S : Never leave any contact information with guests
contain : telephone number.LINE.Wechaat
((Offenders will be kicked out of the group))
Time is 50 minutes not 1 hour
You have to pay attention to time
Thank you
I did not tell you the color of clothes guests
someone knocked ever NOT open the door
Please remember.
This is very important.
((Always first money))
((Always first money))
((Always first money))