Treatment consisted of endophytic fungus i.e. Aspergillus flavus, Nigrospora sp., Coniothyrium sp., sterile hypha 1 and steril hypha 2, and control (water). The detached leaves of endophyte inoculated plants and control plants were laid on petridish diameter 9 cm and the basal of petiole was covered by moistened cotton. A first nymph of A. gossypii was laid on leaf, and each 3 days the leaf was replaced by the new and similar size from the same plants. The observation was made on the periods of each nymph, pre-natal periods, life cycle, and fecundity. In addition, body length was also measured microscopically using micrometer. If the insect produce progeny then its progenies was killed. The 20 petridishes were used; one petridish was considered one replication. The experiment was designed in randomized complete design.