et al., 2006). Thus a potential contributor to the variation in
previous study results is that internet use was self-reported by
adolescents, and subject to recall bias. The accuracy of selfreported
internet use is unclear, a 2005 study examined the gaps
between self-reported and tracked internet use found that selfreport
tended to overestimate the total time spent on the computer
over the course of a day (Cameron et al., 2011).
Given adolescents’ and young adults’ nearly ubiquitous exposure
to the internet, and varying findings regarding internet
use and depression, there is a critical need to better understand
this relationship. A understanding of the directionality of this
relationship would contribute towards a richer understanding of
how internet use may impact depression. For example, it is
possible that adolescents with depression may be more likely to
spend time on the internet due to a lack of motivation; however,
they may also use the internet for shorter periods of time due to
a lack of concentration. However, before these hypotheses can
be more fully developed, the association between internet use
time and depression symptoms must be better understood.
et al., 2006). Thus a potential contributor to the variation inprevious study results is that internet use was self-reported byadolescents, and subject to recall bias. The accuracy of selfreportedinternet use is unclear, a 2005 study examined the gapsbetween self-reported and tracked internet use found that selfreporttended to overestimate the total time spent on the computerover the course of a day (Cameron et al., 2011).Given adolescents’ and young adults’ nearly ubiquitous exposureto the internet, and varying findings regarding internetuse and depression, there is a critical need to better understandthis relationship. A understanding of the directionality of thisrelationship would contribute towards a richer understanding ofhow internet use may impact depression. For example, it ispossible that adolescents with depression may be more likely tospend time on the internet due to a lack of motivation; however,they may also use the internet for shorter periods of time due toa lack of concentration. However, before these hypotheses canbe more fully developed, the association between internet usetime and depression symptoms must be better understood.
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