The aim of the current study was to evaluate two feed additives containing Euphorbia hirtaand acidifiers on broiler chickens performance, gut microflora and blood fatty acid profiles.A total of 240 one-day-old male broiler chicks were randomly assigned in groups of 15–16floor pens. On day one, the chicks were assigned to one of 4 dietary treatments; (1) basaldiet (control), (2) basal diet + 7.5 g/kg E. hirta (EH7.5), (3) basal diet + 1.5 g/kg acidifier (OA)and (4) basal diet + 7.5 g/kg E. hirta + 1.5 g/kg acidifier (EHOA). Body weight and feed intakewere measured weekly and feed conversion ratio (FCR) was calculated. On days 21 and 42,eight birds from each dietary treatment were chosen at random for ileum viable bacterialcounts. On day 42, thiobarbituric acid reactive species as an indicator of lipid peroxidationlevel were measured. The EH7.5, EHOA and OA supplementation improved overall FCR(P=0.0275). The serum of chickens fed with EH7.5, OAand EHOAshowed the lower malondialdehydevalue than that of chickens fed the control diet (P=0.0068). On day 42, the lowesttotal bacteria count and Escherichia coli was observed in EH7.5, OA and EHOA fed birds(P<0.0001). In conclusion, the results of the present study suggest that dietary supplementationwith E. hirta in combination with acidifier have a positive impact on FCR and theircombination displays antioxidant and antibacterial characteristics in broiler chickens.
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