Anunya, each time i read your message, it melds my heart like glue, your words are so wnderful and never stops bringing me warmth, i never thought that sometime in my life again, i would find someone who would really get so concerned about me... thanks a million for always being caring about me... my days have been so busy and long, sure now even when i'm out i think about you like i have known you for a long time, but this is just s true friendship and may be that is why we feel the same way... i'm always sorry each time i don't write to you, i know you will be so worried but always thanks for understanding... i'm sorry you had much pain sleeping, i hope your getting better now an wish i'm sowhere so close to you now and i can give you a massage on the affected are and sure you can feel no pain again... i hppe your food
i hope your good? i miss you
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