The book starts with a brief introduction (chapter 1) to the competence model on
which this book is based, as well as the book’s particular focus: improving the methodical
competence as part of an individual’s personal development. Chapter 2
explains the concept – categories of tools and techniques aligned to a problem
solving process – followed by a description of how to use the book most effectively
and efficiently. How to search, identify and select the appropriate tool is
described in section 2.3 together with an example of a compilation of tools
(‘shopping list’ to prepare a workshop). Additional scenarios of typical business
situations and a suggested compilation of appropriate key activities, tools and
techniques (‘shopping lists’) can be found in chapter 9 on page 366. The section
2.3 “How to select the right tool” on page 42 also provides a selection tree (‘how
to find a tool’) for further directions.