We asked readers from all over the world to tell us what makes them feel good. • Eating outside. I enjoy sitting in street cafes or having meals in the yard, even when the weather's not perfect — which it often isn't. • Being with people I like (and not being with people I don't like). • Sitting on a plane when it takes off. You can't control what's going to happen for the next 2–3 hours, so you can really relax. • Waking up on a sunny morning during my vacation when I know I have a whole day ahead to do whatever I feel like doing. • Getting out of the city. It doesn't matter where to: to the beach, or to the country, or to the forest. Being in the middle of nature makes me feel alive. • Watching heavy rain storms through the window from a comfortable, warm room with a fire, and knowing I don't need to go out. • Talking to intelligent people: good conversation is one of life's great pleasures. • Having time for myself. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen very often. • Reading books or magazines in English — I'm Colombian, and I still find it hard to believe that I can enjoy reading without using a dictionary in a language that once was a complete mystery.