Kasén [5] argues that a care relationship could develop to be a caring relationship. In a caring relationship the whole person is included, which is physical, mental and spiritual aspects. The caring relationship could enable human growth. A caring relationship could be seen as a mutual relationship that requires trust between the both parties. Within the caring relationship the caregiver gives a promise of care and
implicit promises of alleviation of suffering and also a promise of togetherness and personal contact [5]. The caring relationship can be understood as balancing between vulnerability and dignity i.e. decreasing vulnerability and maintaining dignity [6]. The caring relationship could also be understood as a relationship that facilitates health and healing by involving the person’s genuine needs [7]. An uncaring relationship was described when the person was an object to be cared for and the caregiver performs the task. When the caring relationship is absent the person is left alone in their anxiety, pain and fear [5].