Taking a risk is doing something when the outcome is not certain. This might be doing something like talking in front of the class, or trying out a new game or sport.
Growing up is all about taking risks - even right from the beginning of our lives. Babies take risks - would any of us have learned how to walk if we hadn't taken the risk of falling over many times while we tried to get it right?
Learning always involves a degree of risk or challenge. To learn something new you need to challenge yourself to do something you haven't done before and risk failing a few times while you learn. But each time you master a skill you gain confidence in your ability to learn new things.
Some people take risks because they want to learn and do lots of new things - these usually are healthy risks. Other people take risks because the danger gives them a feeling of excitement and they don't think too much about the possible consequences - often times, these are unhealthy risks.
- See more at: http://www.kidshelpline.com.au/kids/information/hot-topics/taking-risks.php#sthash.FyE7EJxl.dpuf