1. 10
Life Lessons
King TaksinThe Great
The Hero Who Liberated Siam after the Second Fall of Ayutthaya
2. A savior of the Thai state emerge
During the 18th century, Burma again expanded its territories and defeated the Thais in several battles. In 1767, after a 15 month siege, Ayutthaya was sacked and burnt by the Burmese, ending its political dominance of the peninsula. A savior of the Thai state emerge King Taksin the Great who, after a few years, gathered together enough forces to defeat the Burmese.
3. His ability in unifying the country again
King Taksin has been recognized as one of the great Thai kings, for his prowess in warfare, his leadership in liberating the country after Ayutthaya was taken by the Burmese in 1767, and his ability in unifying the country after it had been split up into many factions.
4. King Taksin was the son of the Chinese merchant
King Taksin was born in 1733 in the reign of King Borommakot of Ayutthaya. He was originally called Sin. His father was a Chinese named Haihong, who had immigrated to Thailand. His mother was a Thai called Nok Lang. There is reliable evidence, that prior to his entering government service, Sin was a trader with a fleet of carts.
5. He was predicted to be the king in the future.
When Sin and his friend, Tong-Duang, were Buddhist novices they met a Chinese fortune-teller who told them that they both had lucky lines in the palms of their hands and would both become kings. Neither took it seriously, but Tong-Duang was later the successor of King Taksin, Rama I.
6. He came to Ayutthaya to help defend the capital
In 1765, Phraya Tak came to Ayutthaya to help defend the capital. He fought valiantly and earned
great recognition. He was promoted to the title and rank of Phraya WachiraPrakan, Governor of KamphaengPhet. It is believed, that prior to the fall of Ayutthaya, he got out of the capital by fighting his way through the Burmese siege with the aim of assembling men to liberate the country.
7. Taksin and his followers fought their way out of the Burmese encirclement
On January 3, 1766, shortly before Ayutthaya fell in 1767, Taksincut his way out of the city at the head of 500 followers to Rayong, on the east coast of Gulf of Thailand. This action was never adequately explained, as the Royal compound and Ayutthaya proper was located on an island.
8. On December 28, 1768, he was crowned king of Siam at Wang Derm Palace in Thonburi, the new capital of Siam. He assumed the official name of Boromraja IV, but is known in Thai history as King Taksin. In King Taksin's reign from 1767 to 1782, wars were fought to unify, defend and expand the country almost all the time. King Taksinhad accomplished so much for the Thais in his short reign. Without his leadership, the country would not have been rid of the Burmese and become unified so soon. Here are 10 life lessons that we should learn from him.
9. Lesson 1 : Retreat and Regroup
As the Royal compound and Ayutthaya proper was located on an island. Perhaps Sin saw that the situation of the kingdom was in great despair. Therefore before the end of Ayutthaya came, he decided to cut his way out from the city and travelled first to Chon Buri, a town on the Gulf of Thailand's eastern coast, and then to Rayong, where he raised a small army.
10. Lesson 2 : Decisive leadership brings success
"We are going to attack Chantaburi tonight, and all the food that we have left just throw it away and destroy all of the utensils that we have. As we are going to have breakfast together at Chantaburi otherwise we would rather be dead.” His decisive leadership brought him success and he won all the wars after that.
11. Lesson 3 : Have the good subordinates
Sin got out of the capital by fighting his way through the Burmese siege with the aim of assembling men to liberate the country. He had good subordinates like Tongduang or Chao Phraya Chakri (later King Rama 1), Boonma or Chao Phraya Surasih, and Thongdee or Phraya Pichai to support him in liberating Siam from Burmese. Put the right man to the right job was his motto.
12. Lesson 4 : Well preparation & Fast attack
On November 6, 1767, having mastered 5,000 troops and all in fine spirits, Taksin sailed up the Chao Phraya River and seized Thonburi. He followed up his victory quickly by boldly attacking the main Burmese camp at Phosamton near Ayutthya. The Burmese were defeated, and Taksin won back Ayutthaya from the enemy within seven months of its destruction.
13. Lesson 5 : Learn from the failures
Taksin realized that Ayutthaya city had suffered such vast destruction that to restore it to its former state would undoubtedly have strained his resources. The Burmese were quite familiar with the various routes leading to Ayutthaya, and in the event of renewal of a Burmese attack on it, the troops under the liberator would be inadequate for the effective defense of the city. With these considerations in mind, he established his capital at Thonburi, nearer to the sea than Ayutthaya.
14. Lesson 6 : Lead by example
The successes against competitors for power were due to Taksin's fighting ability as a warrior, splendid leadership, exemplary valor and effective organization of his forces. Usually he put himself in the front rank in an encounter with the enemy, thus inspiring his men to brave danger.
15. Lesson 7 : Unify the country through hardworking
After the coronation, King Taksinproceeded at once to unify the country . Besides waging war to drive the Burmese out of the country, the king had to subdue the Thais who set themselves up as heads of various factions. His military successes resulted in the country being united once again.
16. Lesson 8 : Focus solving the important problem
After King Taksin established Thonburi as his capital, people were living in abject poverty, and food and clothing were scarce. The king considered solving economic problems as the main priority. He paid high prices for rice from his own money to induce foreign traders to bring in adequate amounts of basic necessities to satisfy the need of the people. He then distributed rice and clothing to all his starving subjects without exception.
17. Lesson 9 : Accept the life as it truly is
King Taksin finally accepted the life as it truly was. He started studying Dharma and spent his life
simply at the end of his life, since he fought with the enemies for many years. As he started practicing meditation, somebody reconstructed and spread the tale of his 'insanity’. Finally a faction led by Phraya San seized the capital and forced the king to step down.
18. Lesson 10 : Leave a legacy
General Chao Phraya Chakri then seized control of the capital and declared himself king . King
Taksin was finally put to death on April 6,1782 at the age of 48 after a 15-year reign. Another view of the events is that Thailand owed China for millions of baht. In order to cancel the agreement between China, King Taksin decided to ordain and pretend to die in an execution.
19. King Taksin had accomplished so much for the Thais in his short reign. Without his leadership, the country would not have been rid of the Burmese and become unified so soon. In recognition of what he had done for the country, the government has declared December 28 a day of homage to the King. A state ceremony has been held annually at the memorial to King Taksin the Great in WongwianYai in Bangkok since 1954. On October 27, 1981, the cabinet passed a resolution to honor him as "King Taksin the Great."
20. Thank You Very Much
Sompong Yusoontorn
1. 10Life LessonsKing TaksinThe GreatThe Hero Who Liberated Siam after the Second Fall of Ayutthaya2. A savior of the Thai state emergeDuring the 18th century, Burma again expanded its territories and defeated the Thais in several battles. In 1767, after a 15 month siege, Ayutthaya was sacked and burnt by the Burmese, ending its political dominance of the peninsula. A savior of the Thai state emerge King Taksin the Great who, after a few years, gathered together enough forces to defeat the Burmese.3. His ability in unifying the country againKing Taksin has been recognized as one of the great Thai kings, for his prowess in warfare, his leadership in liberating the country after Ayutthaya was taken by the Burmese in 1767, and his ability in unifying the country after it had been split up into many factions.4. King Taksin was the son of the Chinese merchantKing Taksin was born in 1733 in the reign of King Borommakot of Ayutthaya. He was originally called Sin. His father was a Chinese named Haihong, who had immigrated to Thailand. His mother was a Thai called Nok Lang. There is reliable evidence, that prior to his entering government service, Sin was a trader with a fleet of carts. 5. He was predicted to be the king in the future.When Sin and his friend, Tong-Duang, were Buddhist novices they met a Chinese fortune-teller who told them that they both had lucky lines in the palms of their hands and would both become kings. Neither took it seriously, but Tong-Duang was later the successor of King Taksin, Rama I.6. He came to Ayutthaya to help defend the capitalIn 1765, Phraya Tak came to Ayutthaya to help defend the capital. He fought valiantly and earned great recognition. He was promoted to the title and rank of Phraya WachiraPrakan, Governor of KamphaengPhet. It is believed, that prior to the fall of Ayutthaya, he got out of the capital by fighting his way through the Burmese siege with the aim of assembling men to liberate the country.7. Taksin and his followers fought their way out of the Burmese encirclement On January 3, 1766, shortly before Ayutthaya fell in 1767, Taksincut his way out of the city at the head of 500 followers to Rayong, on the east coast of Gulf of Thailand. This action was never adequately explained, as the Royal compound and Ayutthaya proper was located on an island.8. On December 28, 1768, he was crowned king of Siam at Wang Derm Palace in Thonburi, the new capital of Siam. He assumed the official name of Boromraja IV, but is known in Thai history as King Taksin. In King Taksin's reign from 1767 to 1782, wars were fought to unify, defend and expand the country almost all the time. King Taksinhad accomplished so much for the Thais in his short reign. Without his leadership, the country would not have been rid of the Burmese and become unified so soon. Here are 10 life lessons that we should learn from him.9. Lesson 1 : Retreat and RegroupAs the Royal compound and Ayutthaya proper was located on an island. Perhaps Sin saw that the situation of the kingdom was in great despair. Therefore before the end of Ayutthaya came, he decided to cut his way out from the city and travelled first to Chon Buri, a town on the Gulf of Thailand's eastern coast, and then to Rayong, where he raised a small army.10. Lesson 2 : Decisive leadership brings success"We are going to attack Chantaburi tonight, and all the food that we have left just throw it away and destroy all of the utensils that we have. As we are going to have breakfast together at Chantaburi otherwise we would rather be dead.” His decisive leadership brought him success and he won all the wars after that.11. Lesson 3 : Have the good subordinatesSin got out of the capital by fighting his way through the Burmese siege with the aim of assembling men to liberate the country. He had good subordinates like Tongduang or Chao Phraya Chakri (later King Rama 1), Boonma or Chao Phraya Surasih, and Thongdee or Phraya Pichai to support him in liberating Siam from Burmese. Put the right man to the right job was his motto.12. Lesson 4 : Well preparation & Fast attackOn November 6, 1767, having mastered 5,000 troops and all in fine spirits, Taksin sailed up the Chao Phraya River and seized Thonburi. He followed up his victory quickly by boldly attacking the main Burmese camp at Phosamton near Ayutthya. The Burmese were defeated, and Taksin won back Ayutthaya from the enemy within seven months of its destruction.13. Lesson 5 : Learn from the failuresTaksin realized that Ayutthaya city had suffered such vast destruction that to restore it to its former state would undoubtedly have strained his resources. The Burmese were quite familiar with the various routes leading to Ayutthaya, and in the event of renewal of a Burmese attack on it, the troops under the liberator would be inadequate for the effective defense of the city. With these considerations in mind, he established his capital at Thonburi, nearer to the sea than Ayutthaya.14. Lesson 6 : Lead by exampleThe successes against competitors for power were due to Taksin's fighting ability as a warrior, splendid leadership, exemplary valor and effective organization of his forces. Usually he put himself in the front rank in an encounter with the enemy, thus inspiring his men to brave danger. 15. Lesson 7 : Unify the country through hardworkingAfter the coronation, King Taksinproceeded at once to unify the country . Besides waging war to drive the Burmese out of the country, the king had to subdue the Thais who set themselves up as heads of various factions. His military successes resulted in the country being united once again.16. Lesson 8 : Focus solving the important problemAfter King Taksin established Thonburi as his capital, people were living in abject poverty, and food and clothing were scarce. The king considered solving economic problems as the main priority. He paid high prices for rice from his own money to induce foreign traders to bring in adequate amounts of basic necessities to satisfy the need of the people. He then distributed rice and clothing to all his starving subjects without exception.17. Lesson 9 : Accept the life as it truly isKing Taksin finally accepted the life as it truly was. He started studying Dharma and spent his lifesimply at the end of his life, since he fought with the enemies for many years. As he started practicing meditation, somebody reconstructed and spread the tale of his 'insanity’. Finally a faction led by Phraya San seized the capital and forced the king to step down. 18. Lesson 10 : Leave a legacyGeneral Chao Phraya Chakri then seized control of the capital and declared himself king . King Taksin was finally put to death on April 6,1782 at the age of 48 after a 15-year reign. Another view of the events is that Thailand owed China for millions of baht. In order to cancel the agreement between China, King Taksin decided to ordain and pretend to die in an execution.19. King Taksin had accomplished so much for the Thais in his short reign. Without his leadership, the country would not have been rid of the Burmese and become unified so soon. In recognition of what he had done for the country, the government has declared December 28 a day of homage to the King. A state ceremony has been held annually at the memorial to King Taksin the Great in WongwianYai in Bangkok since 1954. On October 27, 1981, the cabinet passed a resolution to honor him as "King Taksin the Great."
20. Thank You Very Much
Sompong Yusoontorn
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