Internal resources and capabilities, however, seem to be a less effective response to environmental uncertainty than focusing on external resources. It was suggested that increasing total quality management (TQM) practices impacts organizational performance under environmental uncertainty (Jaworski and Kohli, 1993; Slater and Narver, 1994) but Carter el al. (2010) found that quality practices impactfirm performance only under low environmental uncertainty. Carter et a!. (2010) concluded that under uncertain conditions, management may give more importance to other dimensions like marketing orientation and partnerships than quality practices (Carter et al., 2010). Similarly, Gravier et aL (2008) proposed that environmental risk will moderate the relationship between knowledge and overall alliance performance. After conducting a meta-analysis of previous supply chain literature they found no moderating role for environmental risk between the different knowledge roles and alliance performance and concluded that the "alliances may successfully mitigate environmental uncertainty enough to diminish a strong con-elation with alliance performance