Most Thai schools have opened for their first semester for about one month now. Our school had a “wai kru” ceremony today. “Wai” means to bow in Thai and it is also involves bringing your hands together as if saying a prayer. Thai culture fosters a deep respect for educators and the “wai kru” ceremony is a brilliant way to start the academic year. The ceremony is very formal and decorative but it also is a vital part of the traditional Thai educational system.
The ceremony is held in June on a Thursday. On this day Thai students bring flowers to their teachers as a symbol of their respect and readiness to learn. The most popular flower to bring is called “dok khem” (needle flower) because it represents the student’s promise that his/her brain will be as sharp as a needle. Some students also present jasmine garlands. The children bring their bouquets to school in the same fashion that students in the US would bring an apple for the teacher.
Schools usually have a ceremony in the morning for the student body to “wai kru” together. The teachers are called to sit in front of the students as the students repeat a Buddhist chant and sing a song that demonstrates their appreciation for the teachers. The students thank the teachers for having taught well in the past and encouraging their good luck in the future. A few non-Buddhist students sat in the back row and only participated in the presentation of flowers at the end.