from the input (insertion of primary matter) to the output (end-usage), the technologies defining this cycle have to achieve the highest standards in terms of design, construction & installation, and safety. These have to be respected during the step of production, storage, distribution and utilisation of biogas in order to guarantee a technology proving high efficiency, long lifetime and low necessity of maintenance.
In order to demonstrate the possibility to adapt biogas technology to Lao PDR, a biogas digester plant of 500 m3 will be constructed in Houngheung farm, along with a bottling system. The digester's capacity will be dimensioned to match the farm capacity which are 3000 pigs at each cycle. The idea is to cover the investment costs of the biogas digester and bottling system by EEP fund and the Digester will be invest by the project partner. In exchange of the owner's engagement to allow the project partner right to use the land for construction and operation of the bio-digester the farm owner will be paid for price of the raw biogas.