Learning outcomes
The learning outcomes were measured by assessing the learning presentations (Word or
PowerPoint document) created by the students. The students had to take the role of an
advertising creator and produce a Word or PowerPoint document about effective advertising
based on their research on the Internet. The quality of the learning products was
assessed by a standard scoring form based on the learning goals of the task. The scoring
form consisted of four areas in which students could earn points: the number of techniques
that advertisers use to make customers buy more (maximum three points), the strengths of
the advertisement (maximum two points), suggestions for how to improve the advertising message (maximum two points), and the readability of the report (maximum one point).
Students could earn a maximum of eight points. Two independent reviewers scored all of
the products. There was a high inter-rater reliability between the ratings of the two
reviewers (r = .95, p.001).