Fresh F. thunbergiiis difficult to store and can easily rot during storage. DriedF. thunbergii flour is valuable as flours can be easily storedin the long term and conveniently consumed in their powder form. Fritillaria flour is a major ingredient not only in herbal medicine but also in functional food(fritillary and snowpear drink), cosmetics (fritillaria cream for allergy relief), and coating materials (fritillaria paint). The bioactivity, nutritionalvalue, and application potential of this flour are primarilydependent on the drying methods In practice, F.thunbergii is traditionally sun-dried after harvest for storage.Sun drying is simple and cheap, although time consuming,which may adversely affect the product quality by contamination from dust, insects, enzyme, and microbial activity Over the recent decades, the natural drying method for F. thunbergii bulbs has been replaced by sulfur fumigation, which shortens the drying period, controlspests, and has a more pleasing appearance. However, the sulfur dioxide generated during the sulfur fumigation period canreact with some ingredients in herbal medicine, in additionto the drying, insecticidal, and whitening effects. In recentyears, many studies have been undertaken to discover alter-native drying methods to produce premiumquality herbs. Forexample, freeze drying (FD) can present highquality driedproducts, but the exorbitant cost has limited its wide application Microwave drying has a shorter drying period. Recently, the development of inexpensive and reliable microwave sources has been of increasing interest in the application of drying processes In frareddrying is based on the action of infrared wavelength radiationfrom a source, which interacts with the internal structure of the sample, thus increasing its temperature and favoring the evaporation of its moisture content. Infrared heating presentssome advantages with respect to traditional drying: shorterdrying time, higher efficiency, and lower airflow through the sample product The hot air-drying process isone of the most commonly used methods in the food industryto produce dry fruits. The main drawbacks of the hot air-dryingmethod are the undesirable physical, structural, chemical,organoleptic, and nutritional changes that occur during drying, which reduces the quality and consumer acceptabilityof finished products