In learning you will teach and in teaching you will learn" – Phill Collin has rightly expressed the sole meaning of teaching; it is to continuously polishing one's ability to reach the peak of perfection.
Imagine yourself in a traditional class on a fresh Monday morning. The teacher enters the class and after the formal greetings period he/she directly starts a long chalk and talk lecture. On the other hand you are sitting passive and uninvolved with the lesson but only trying hard to mug up the information. But over the past few decades the scenario has been changing in a rapid manner.
Now there is a sincere effort for upgrading teaching techniques which can be more effective with the appropriate involvement of students and teachers. Now a day many schools have turned to child centric learning to involve the children. This kind of upgraded technique not only includes the active participation of the children but it also attracts their interest.
The quality of education is often threatened by teachers' poor qualifications, lack of training and absence of teacher upgrading programmes. A teacher not only teaches but also point out meaning of what they can get from education. A proper teaching enables learners to express their goals.
The teacher must make sure that the students can easily remember what they have learned in the previous session. This also means that, somehow, the instructor should be creative to gain attention of the students. Moreover, you should always be ready with some handful of teaching techniques.
Apart from initial teachers training, in-service training is also very vital to upgrade teaching capability in order to enhance contextualised learning and practising. There should be face to face contact between trainee teachers. Teacher development centres should train the teachers how to create a proper learning environment for interactive learning.
The teacher must be accustomed with the use of all kinds of modern learning aids and teaching methods. The more responsive teaching method can be created to meet the needs of twenty first century learning and pedagogical approach.
The psychological differences in characteristics between adults and children demand for different teaching techniques to teach adults. A teacher should play the role of an assistant to the adult learners because they are more into self-directed courses and their goal for learning is set up. While for child it is the active learning incorporating physical movement which increases learning. The increase of learning through games and activity has led to a sea change in the basic growth of child education.
An instructor should be able to determine how to motivate the learners and try to know the student's preferences first. The conditions for learning must be adequate in order to produce the downright result. While teaching to the non-native students ESL teacher always faces a communication gap between the teacher and students this must be taken care of and proper lesson plan must be prepared to teach English language in an effective way.