ABFS sample cooked with 1.5% trona (ABS1) was rated highest (7.24) in term of aroma and
was significantly different (p < 0.05) from other samples. Similarly, in terms of the taste, mouth feel and overall acceptability the sample (ABS1) was most preferred and rated highest by the panelists. The reasons for chosen sample ABS1 were obvious and could be attributed to its improved colour, texture (6.60), aroma (7.24), taste (7.34) and mouth feel (7.34) imparted by the trona used in cooking the sample. Previous research works (Omueti et al., 1992; Efiuvwevwere and Ezeama, 1996) had shown that trona treated samples had better aroma and overall acceptability which was attributed to
the flavouring property of the trona.