The study included 47 (58.8%) males aged between 19 and
74 years and 33 (41.2%) females aged between 18 to 74 years.
Table 1: Baseline characteristics of the patients
Baseline characteristics Total
number of
Patients with
positive patch
test results
Sex gender (male:female) 47:33 33:21
Age (years)
Range (mean) 17‑74 (62.47) 19‑74 (60.68)
Duration of disease (range) 2 weeks ‑ to
8 years
4 weeks ‑ to
8 years
Social background
Rural 46 (57.5%) 34 (42.5%)
Urban 30 (55.5%) 24 (44.5%)
Clinical patterns of dermatitis*
Localized contact dermatitis
(scalp and scalp margins)
49 29
Face (beard, periorbital) and neck 23 19
Hands and feet 12
ABCD pattern 09 09
Hand dermatitis 05 05
Eyelid dermatitis 04 04
Miscellaneous patterns discoid
dermatitis, disseminated
dermatitis, generalized
diffuse dermatitis, erythema
multiforme‑like lesions
04 04
Note: *some of the patients had multiple sites involved. ABCD: Airborne