Supportive needs that are more
ambiguous or vaguely expressed could then be understood
as unimportant for the midwife, which could lead to clearly
expressed needs, such as the need for food or drink, being
actively met, while ambiguous needs, such as the need for
reassurance, being addressed with uncertainty or not at all.
This uncertainty could be reinforced by the idea described by
the midwives that there is a right and, consequently, a wrong
way to do things in relation to supportive needs. Uncertainty in addressing ambiguous supportive needs could be
understood as the midwives lacking knowledge about how to
address supportive needs.
Supportive needs that are moreambiguous or vaguely expressed could then be understoodas unimportant for the midwife, which could lead to clearlyexpressed needs, such as the need for food or drink, beingactively met, while ambiguous needs, such as the need forreassurance, being addressed with uncertainty or not at all.This uncertainty could be reinforced by the idea described bythe midwives that there is a right and, consequently, a wrongway to do things in relation to supportive needs. Uncertainty in addressing ambiguous supportive needs could beunderstood as the midwives lacking knowledge about how toaddress supportive needs.
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