Health, safety and environment (HSE) protection is fundamental to the Proponent’s operations and
forms an integral part of Professional Aluclad Co., Ltd. (PAC)’s HSE Management System. PAC is
committed to maintaining safe and healthful working conditions for employees, subcontractors, clients
and all involved parties. And will ensure its work practices and procedures meet all applicable legislation
related to occupational health, safety and environment.
Working at height is a high-risk activity. Falls are the largest cause of accidental death in the
construction industry and need to be avoided by provision of suitable access equipment being properly
used. However, it must be stressed that working at height takes place throughout Hospital, not just in
the construction areas, and this sub-policy applies to all such work. This gives an indication of the
care needed when work at height is being undertaken. Proper safety standards are essential for all
working at height and the nature of the precautions required must be assessed for each individual task.
This sub-policy sets out responsibilities, precautions and provides general guidance for good
practice relevant to all working at height.
To achieve the aims of this plan, the continuous commitment and efforts are required by all concerned
personnel. All personnel do not only have an individual responsibility to prevent injury or risk to health
but they also have the responsibility to the others who may be affected by their performance.
Professional Aluclad Co., Ltd. requires that all management, supervisory staff and its subcontractors to
read, understand, and comply with this Project HSE Plan.