Artichoke cv. Blanca de Tudela is one of the main cultivars
grown in Spain. The nutritional benefits and healthy gastronomic
properties attributed to artichoke have increased its demand, making
it necessary to find appropriate postharvest technologies that
extend its distribution range. Processing operations, such as washing,
removing external leaves, slicing, and packaging can offer clear
advantages for artichoke commercialization. However, these operations
induce quality deterioration which results in water loss,
softening, microbial contamination, and an increase of respiration
and enzymatic activity. Among them, enzymatic browning is
the major problem that shortens the shelf-life of fresh-cut artichoke
(Amodio et al., 2011). Control of enzymatic browning can
be achieved by combining chemical and physical methods, such
as the use of antioxidant agents, modified atmosphere packaging
(MAP) and proper temperature control.