The data presented enabled the identification of the need for
effective actions, aimed at increasing the amount of recycled PET.
In Brazil, it is necessary to focus on post-consumer PET bottles,
because the ones that are not recycled are inappropriately
disposed in the environment. The need for structuring the distribution
reverse channels becomes relevant, since there are limiting
factors in relation to increasing the levels of PET bottle recycling.
According to Manzini and Vezzoli (2005), the collection and
transportation stages should not be underestimated, either in
terms of planning reverse logistics or in relation to environmental
impact. Often, this stage affects the economy and the environmental
benefits of recycling. In the case of PET bottles, the stage of
recycling is fundamental, since there is not a legislation requiring
the manufacturer or the consumer to appropriately dispose of postconsumer
material. The key players in the process, and specifically
the consumer, must be made aware of their duties and responsibilities.
The analysis of the Brazilian system of post-consumer PET bottles
under environmental, economic and social aspects favored the
proposal for a reintegration system for post-consumer PET with
opportunities for the development of a sustainable reverse sys
tem. It also presents several challenges such as: the need for a
national policy on solid waste and municipal and state actions to
make the reverse logistics viable and strengthen the Brazilian recycling
industry; the need to increase awareness of the key players
involved in the post-consumer PET reverse chain structure; the
need for consumption reduction in order to reduce the waste generated;
and the need to engage industrial sectors and the government,
through public policies, to support cleaner technologies along the
PET bottle production chain.
Some of the difficulties related to the inclusion of the reintegration
system for post-consumer PET are: the costs related to the
total life cycle, as the company becomes liable for its product up
to the end of its lifespan; a greater integration of the production
chain, assigning responsibilities and the degree of cooperation in
the chain; development of larger reverse logistics management
controls and information systems to facilitate the integration of
reverse logistics to the normal flow of distribution.
By implementing this system, the company will be able to
account for the environmental costs of their products in order to
comply with environmental laws and minimize the environmental
impact generated by their products. It will also allow value to be
recaptured and be strategically used as a competitive edge, demonstrating
the company’s commitment to a sustainable development.