With the support of the National Palace Museum, Taiwan (NPM), three relevant web sections were selected. These sections offered diverse design features to stimulate the participants into various modes of thinking. The sections were part of an award-winning site—“Age of the Great Khan”. This currently operational site has received two international awards, indicating that it has a recognized quality. The three sections chosen were related to concepts for developing paintings in the Mongolian Dynasty during 1279–1368 A.D. While offering thematic unity, each section was different. The “Balance” section contained interactive multimedia demonstrating how to develop a balanced painting, with the materials presented in six steps on one screen. The “Portraiture” section also contained interactive multimedia illustrating new painting techniques in that period, with the materials presented in 27 steps with animated graphs and pop-up windows. Finally, the “Khubilai Khan Hunting” section was a reading-based section presenting the Emperor and his Empresses in a hunting scene. This section was read via hyperlinks as in turning pages of a book, with clicking on a painting to view an enlarged image.