Conversions: 1 mi/h 1.609 km/h, 1 ft 0.305 m.
aUse rural criteria (Tables 2.21 and 2.22) for uncurbed shoulders. Rural functional classification should be
determined after checking the urban route extension into a rural area.
bSee Sections 305.3.2 and 305.3.3 for use of curbs and notes on curb/guardrail relationships.
cUse minimum lane width if, in the foreseeable future, the parking lane will be used for through traffic during
peak hours or continuously.
dUse 10 ft median shoulder on facilities with 6 or more lanes. Use 12 ft median shoulder on facilities with
6 or more lanes and when truck traffic exceeds 250 DDHV.
eMay be reduced to 10 ft if the truck traffic is less than 250 DDHV.
f May be reduced to 8 ft if DHV is less than 250.
gThe median shoulder width for divided arterials shall follow the median criteria for Interstates, other
Freeways and Expressways.
hLane width may be reduced to 11 ft where right-of-way is limited and current truck ADT is less than 250;
however, on all Federal Aid Primary (FAP) roadways at least one 12-ft lane in each direction is required. FAP
listings may be obtained from Office of Technical Services’s Roadway Inventory reports.
iLane width may be 9 ft where right-of-way is limited and current ADT is less than 250.
Source: Location and Design Manual, Vol. 1, Roadway Design, Ohio Department of Transportation,
with permission.