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Adventurers (Dungeon Village)
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Last edited by Fewfre (talk | contribs) 14 days ago (diff)
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[hide] Dungeon Village Guide✍
Adventurers • Equipment • Jobs • Structures • Items • Cauldron • Enemies • Quests • EventsEndgame / Replay • Bugs & Cheats • Manual • Tips / Walkthrough
Adventurers / residents are responsible for the protection of your town. However, as they are in fact employed by you, it is up to you to guide them on quests, arm them properly with armor and weapons, keep them happy, and train them properly. You can also assign jobs to your adventures.
While adventurers require your attention, they are quite self-efficient. When not on a quest, they will wander the field killing monsters, will occasionally buy themselves new weapons / armor with their salary, will bring their injured comrades back to the inn to rest, and even shop.
When you send your adventurers on a quest, adventures in your town will randomly be chosen to participate, with a possible total of 9 adventures allowed to join. However, if 9 adventurers do not volunteer, you can recruit more up to 9 at the expense of gold. More of quests can be found here.
Attacks take into account many factors, such as attack style, weapon/armor strength, the enemy level, whether it is a dungeon, whether it is a boss monster, and possibly most importantly your stats. If an adventurer dies during combat and is resurrected they will gain xp. It is currently unknown if they gain xp if dead when the battle ends[Confirm].
Attack styles are: melee, ranged, and magic.
These are effected by your armor, weapons, and accessories.
Attributes include:
Basic AttributesEdit
These are raised as you level, master jobs, and switch jobs.
Basic attributes include:
Hth-DungeonVillage Health (Hth)
Str-DungeonVillage Strength (Str)
Dex-DungeonVillage Dexterity (Dex)
Tgh-DungeonVillage Toughness (Tgh)
Sprt-DungeonVillage Spirit (Sprt)
Luck-DungeonVillage Luck (Luck)
All Magic Learned
All magic uses a unique sprite when cast.
Fire-DungeonVillage Fire Magic - Deals damage.
Ice-DungeonVillage Ice Magic - Deals damage like Fire Magic.
Lightning-DungeonVillage Lightning Magic - Deals damage like Fire Magic.
Healing-DungeonVillage Healing Magic - Allows an adventurer to heal another adventurer if they are within range. Works on fallen comrades.
Satisfaction Work Edit
Satisfaction Satisfaction-DungeonVillage and Work are two non-combat attributes of an adventurer. These can both be raised by giving gifts (some satisfaction and work only slightly if at all) and by awarding medals Medal-DungeonVillage (10 work and satisfaction). Satisfaction can also be raised by visiting high-quality facilities.
Work - How long your residents stay out on the field, allowing them to kill more monsters. It also increases the odds of obtaining an aura.
Satisfaction - Required to have an adventurer move into your village.
Adventures both earn you money and cost you money, but often earning you money if you play wisely.
Makes you money:
Killing Monsters (Adventurer's Income)
Finding Chests
Taxes (Based on total monsters killed)
Loses you money:
Adventure's salary
Going on quests
Auras boost Attack, the number of attacks, and Defense.
Visiting your villageEdit
Visiting-dungeon village
An adventurer will visit / arrive at your town and fight monsters once your town reaches a specific level of popularity (see table below). After they visit, you can have them move in by raising their satisfaction.
Having new adventurers visit is important because:
To unlock new job types you must first max out an adventurer with that jobs, and having new adventurers visit is the only way to accomplish this.
More people equals more money
More man power for fighting monsters
Once an adventurer visits and they reach a certain level of satisfaction, they will ask to move in (see below).
Moving InEdit
Moving in-dungeon village
For an adventurer to move into town and become a resident, a few conditions must be met:
You must have a vacant house (if you don't have one, they will ask you to place one) (costs 100G).
They must have a high enough satisfaction level (see table below).
You must pay specific cost to allow them to move in (see table below).
After moving in, they will gain 5 Satisfaction-DungeonVillage (Satisfaction) and 15 Work and they will give you a gift (see table below).
It is worth noting that even after getting enough satisfaction, they may not ask to move in right away. Adventurers nearly never ask to move in when they are on a quest. They should ask shortly after it is finished, however.
List of AdventurersEdit
Name Gen
der Pop. to
Visit Initial Job Moving in Name Reference
Satisfaction-DungeonVillage Cost (G) Reward
Clown Stripe Male 0 Farmer 30 1500 Wooden Bow Wooden Bow Cloud Strife
Lance Alot Male 0 Carpenter 30 1500 Combat School Sir Lancelot
Fluffie Kiss Female 0 Farmer 30 1500 Marbled Steak Marbled Steak Yuffie Kisaragi
Custom1 EitherGender1 100 Adventurer 20 1000 Heart Pendant Heart Pendant
Donkey Hotty Male 300 Warrior 40 2000 Slash Blade Slash Blade Don Quixote
Sid Pervia Female 500 Merchant 30 1500 Giant Melon Giant Melon Cid Previa
May Le Tigre Male 700 Archer 50 2500 Circus
Gilly Gamesh Male 900 Knight 40 2000 Ancient Earrings Ancient Earrings Gilgamesh
Harry Gorn Male 1300 Mage 50 2500 Fresh Tuna Fresh Tuna Aragorn
Angie Jelly Female 1500 Warrior 40 2000 Golden Shield Golden Shield Angelina Jolie
Bamza Reoulv Male 1800 Merchant 40 2000 Gold Bar Gold Bar Ramza Beoulve
Jill Nabath Female 2100 Knight 40 2000 Stuffed Toy Stuffed Toy Jihl Nabaat
Seffy Roth Male 2400 Bard 50 2500 Magic Lab Sephiroth
Stumblemore Female 2600 Monk 50 2500 Great Axe Great Axe Dumbledore
Frod Bigguns Male 2900 Mercenary 60 3000 Library Frodo Baggins
Masque Mann Male 3200 Wrestler 60 3000 Bamboo Spear Bamboo Spear Masked Man
Chung Lailai Female 3400 Kung Fu Master 60 3000 Priest Robe Priest Robe Chun Li
May Akiba Female 3700 Cook 60 3000 Black Suit Black Suit
Flippin Book Male 4000 Clown 70 3500 Champagne Champagne Peregrin Took
Book Shields Female 4200 Ninja 70 3500 Fancy Bar Brooke Shields
Voldy Moore Male 4500 Black Marketer 70 3500 Sapphire Ring Sapphire Ring Voldemort
Harly Potler Female 4800 Hero 80 4000 Fire Blade Fire Blade Harry Potter
Max Spellman Male 5000 Wizard 90 4500 Magic Lamp Magic Lamp Sabrina Spellman[Confirm]
Sam Ganges Male 5300 King 100 5000 Great Sword Great Sword Samwise Gamgee
Lily Raven Female 5700 Princess 100 5000 Castle
1. Before starting the game, you are prompted to pick the name / gender of a character.
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4 comments Anonymous User
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Some adventurers fight better with some weapons.. I need to know that please
April 10 by A Wikia contributor Reply
See the Jobs (Dungeon Village) page.
April 10 by Fewfre
How do I get auras on the villagers?
July 7, 2014 by A Wikia contributor Reply
According to the "How to Play" manual: "Auras are more likely to be triggered when an adventurer has a high Work attribute."
July 7, 2014 by Fewfre
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