In Italy the I Itay the water collected from springs groundwater, surface water, reservoirs is distributed to residential, industrial and agricultural users through the aqueducts. Water management i the use of various infrastructures and technologies cause t extreme morphological variability of the territory [4]. Groundwater represent the main source of fresh water for Italian populations [5]; it is generally of better quality because they are more difficult to be reached by anthropogenic contamination events. Correct and sustainable management of water for human use will ensure healthy ecosystems, which will in turn secure the continued availability of water for human use: in the Water Framework Directive these is called approach" water to ensure that have ecosystem to ecosystems access of sufficient quality and quantity in order to provide the first important consideration needs to be said: in the last decade, in the province of Taranto, great progress has been made about extension and construction of municipal wastewater treatment plants allowing to align province, in alues of citizens served by wastewater treatment plants, at national average. Data from each plant (excluded those with incomplete data) allow a comparison in process qualiry among all considered parameters (Fig. 2 Against certain uniformity in the remov of SST and a reduction in BoD5 and coD amount, data show differences in the Obviously, this suggests they may be the main responsbe for efficacy of removal of nitrogen and total phosph the data so w avey high treatment efiicency fr SST and onganic groundwater pollution in Taranto province. Overall pollutants (if considered an annual average) but the same are not so reassuring for nitrogen and phosphorus. The as linked to peaks of pollutants occurring in summer (for the increase of tourists), to illegal problems are very often dumping (for example, vegetation water during oil production), to excess rain water sending in tilt the purification process, to excessive use of fertilizerser collected from springs, groundwater, surface water, reservoirs is distributed to residential. industrial and agricultural users through the aqueducts. Water management involves the use of various infrastructures and technologies cause the extreme morphological variability of the territory [4]. Groundwater represent the main source of fresh water for Italian populations [5], it is generally of better quality because they are more difficult to be reached by anthropogenic contamination events. Correct and sustainable management of water for human use will ensure healthy ecosystems, which will in turn secure the continued availability of water for human use: in the Water Framework Directive these is called 'ecosystem approach" to water to ensure that ecosystems have access of suficient quality and quantity in order to provide the
It can be concluded that all the values do not never exceed the limit values laid down by Decree-Law. There may a oligomineral water, verified by the value of the Conductivity and of the TDs. The salinity is always less than the be density is and pH determines water neutrality limits well as the dissolved oxygen in the water. The compliant Microbiological analysis is possible to find total absence of external contamination of the water that reaches Taranto a Province and the same thing with regard all the other elements analyzed. to