Even within the museum world, however, these developments have had repercussions. Public collections have been displayed in the manner of a country house, with rich damask replacing plain colours on the walls and a much denser hang of two or even three tiers. The look of a grand domestic interior is completed by mixing pieces of furniture and sculpture in with the pictures (Plate 133). Timothy Clifford, the prime mover in these developments and director of the National Gallery of Scotland from 1984, justifies his approach by arguing that the public art gallery descends directly from the 'parade lor receptionl rooms of a country house' (Gow and Clifford, The National Gallery of Scotland, p.55). The changes introduced by Clifford in Scotland are based on a concern for historical authenticity since the declared aim is to return the galleries to their original appearance, reversing the modifications that have been made since the mid-nineteenth century. Critics point out that this aim has not been consistently pursued and find the opulent effect both inauthentic and (in its air of exclusiveness) quite inappropriate to a public gallery. Whereas Clifford insists that picture-hanging is an art form, they dismiss him as an interior decorator. One commentator argues that such accusations ought to be modified in the light of the 'excitement and greatly increased audiences which Clifford's re creations have generated'. Nevertheless, the same writer also notes that "there is the danger that "a return to tradition" may become a debased part of the heritage phenomenon or an ossified arrangement too costly to replace (Summerfield, 'Hanging matters', p.393)