Lesson SOC 7
Task: Tell others the use of objects.
Prerequisites: ADT 4, S&L 15
Concept: This activity primarily serves to promote interaction among students. A secondary objective is to help to improve both expressive and receptive language skills. The objects selected should be items that are common to the student's environment. The student receiving the information does not need to be verbal enough to respond.
Behavioral Objective: When requested to tell another student the use of an object, the student will verbally provide at least a two-word description of the object's use to a 90% accuracy level for 20 trials. Materials: Objects common to the student's environment, preferably those that have a functional purpose such as eating utensils, personal care items, and recreational materials.
Task Analysis:
1. Select an item from the materials section and interact with the student, providing the name of that item. Continue this process until the student will correctly respond with the item name when asked, "What is this called?"
2. Continue Step 1, adding the question, "What do you do with it?" after the student has responded with the name of the item. Provide a brief answer as to the item's purpose (if the student does not respond) and prompt the imitation of that answer.
3. Stop the use of the question, "What is this called?" and modify the question from Step 2 to "What do you do with this?" Reduce the imitative prompting from Step 2 until none is needed.
4. Continue the concept of Steps 1 through 3 for other items until at least 10 items are completed.
5. Modify the process to using a group setting and asking the student to tell another specific student the item's purpose. Promote making eye contact and facing the other student.