ok as he believed he did better by listening.
The assessment process posed another problem both for the teachers and the learners. With the advantage of his
competency at Braille alphabet, the exams of S1 were printed in Braille alphabet by the institution and he took the
exam in a separate room proctored by a teacher. However, since S2 was incompetent in using the Braille alphabet in
English, he took the exams in a separate room accompanied by a teacher who read him the questions and recorded
the answers on the exam paper. Both learners were given extra time to complete the exam. S1 did not mention any
specific difficulties he had during the exam, but S2 underlined the difficulty he had in reading parts particularly
because he was listening rather than “reading” the texts. Therefore, he had to rely on his memory as to which part on
the text to ask the teacher to reread to be able to answer a particular question