F1 individuals were intermated to generate an IM1F1 population. In 2009, 71 IM1F1 plants were grown in St. Paul. The 55 surviving IM1F1 plants were phenotyped for average head diameter, largest head diameter, pollen viability, seeds per head, seed yield and individual seed weight in 2010 in St. Paul. During the winter of 2010–2011, 151 IM1F1 plants were grown in the greenhouse in St. Paul and screened for tuber production, along with H. tuberosus plants as controls. Plants in the greenhouse were grown in 30 cm pots with 50–50 mix of Sunshine professional growing mix® (Sun Gro) and soil. Plants were grown in a greenhouse with 14 h day-length at 24 °C, they were given no supplemental light. In 2011–2012, 104 tuber-bearing IM1F1 plants out of the 151 IM1F1 plants were transplanted in late May and grown in the field at Rosemount. As the IM1F1 population exhibited segregation for perennial habit and tuber traits, Chi-square tests were used to test examine segregation ratios for tuber presence in the IM1F1 population. We tested a single gene model where the expected ratio is 3:1 and a two gene model having complimentary gene action where the expected ratio is 9:7, both cases assumed disomic inheritance and equal initial allele frequencies.