Since its initial development, several versions of MarlinaLS have ensued. In version 1, the focus was on the student side of the application, specifically, how students were going to see and interact with different types of questions. In this early version,academic staff could not directly develop questions themselves, but required the services of IT staff to do so. This was addressed in subsequent versions of the system, and also added were facilities to allow tutors and other staff some capacity to identify what was being entered by students. Version 3 (2002) represented a significant departure from
previous versions, making extensive use of DHTML, while also offering further improvements in navigation and data retrieval. This version also implemented wizard-based interface allowing staff to more easily create questions by following a sequential set of steps and further enhanced the ability of staff to accurately identify and evaluate student usage of the system. In doing so, versions 3 and 4 enabled the collection of the data for the present study. The latter versions also enabled the introduction of multi-media content such as sound and video clips within questions, while also providing
capability to insert hyperlinks allowing access to external websites and resources. These features added considerable authenticity to the organisational problems provided for students via MarlinaLS