implementation of these projects is left to the embassies as well. This from of development assistance has been successful Because it can be rendered quickly and effectively. When proposing and implementing small projects, an embassy s aid officer can use his creativity to alleviate poverty and remove its cause. Working in am embassy s development cooperation section is tough is tough, but can be rewarding.
The Cultural Section
Cultural that attach great importance to promoting cultural Relations with foreign in these activities
Through their cultural institution and organization abroad rather than their embassies what is left to do for the embassy differs. The British embassy in Washington does not identify a cultural section on its web, but does provide a link to the British Council in Washington. Indeed, the British Council is the United Kingdom s “main vehicle for cultural relation with other countries In the US embassy in Berlin, the public affairs section is in charge of promoting cultural section.
An embassy s cultural activities, in cooperation with various cultural institutions, and within the limits of its budget, are intended to pursue various goals. The embassy wants to present its country s culture in the host country and will, therefore, arrange a lot of events, such as concerts, theater performances, film show, exposition of paintings , book exhibition, readings by a poet, and seminars. An embassy might initiate an exchange of youth groups or sports teams . It may also promote cultural exchanges by awarding scholarships and initiating joint research projects. Some countries, and accordingly their embassies, promote the knowledge and spread of their language. They maintain their language to conduct classes. They also see to it that their language is taught as a foreign language in the schools of the host country, and they may conduct training programs for foreign teachers. The broad appeal